[GRASS-dev] CompileOnWindows finished

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Sun Mar 29 05:46:07 EDT 2009

hi Colin,

it's a good work! Compiling on Win Vista Business is working.

Some ideas:

- Is this procedere also working for GRASS7? if yes, could a hint be added to the wiki?

- Would it be possible to add GRASS-cairo-functionality for WinGRASS?
 Maybe under http://www.jkrieger.de/programming/cpp/gnulibs.html or http://inkscape.modevia.com/win32libs/ some mingw-
packages of cairo?

- Would it be possible to add some hints in the wiki about what to do if compiling a new version of the source-code?

best regards

>I just wanted to announce that the CompileOnWindows wiki entry
><http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/CompileOnWindows> is finished and
>now allows anyone to develop grass on windows (vista or xp) through
>the mingw/msys system with no dependency compiling and relatively
>little extra work (thanks to jef for solving all remaining issues by
>adding the mingw-libs package to the wiki).

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