[GRASS-dev] single vs. multiple sqlite db files [was v.db.calc]

Vincent Bain bain at toraval.fr
Fri May 8 08:47:28 EDT 2009

> What's wrong with OGC simple feature definitions? Too simple for
> your purposes?

Well, briefly analysing this point, I would say storing data in a non
topological way may not be a problem, as far as Grass handles the format
and finally, per se, can deal with spatial relationships between
features of a vector map (adjacency, containment, overlapping, and so

My point of view on vector model (perhaps we are sliding towards a new
topic right now) is that topological structure is helpful mainly for :
* detecting digitizing errors,
* easily performing spatial analysis,
* significantly reducing map storage volumes.

But for my personal needs (particularly dealing with both space and time
variability data mapping) I admit that non-topological models can be a
good way to handle data...


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