Kim Besson kimbesson1981 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 05:50:25 EST 2010

I'm working with Shell Scripts on 6.4.

Hamish how/where are you defining your ADDON_PATH? (copy that to an email,
maybe I'm doing something wrong)

I think we're just going to have to replicate it. Can you get it to fail

using any of the standard modules from the grass-addons svn repo?
Ok. About the r.out.gmt (I didn't find d.mark).
If I placed in GRASSsvn6.4.0 scripts folder the GUI opens when I type:
r.out.gmt in command output
But If I place in my personal scripts folder I get:
ERROR: Required parameter <input> not set:
    (Name of input raster map).
 Exports a GRASS raster map into a GMT grid file and color
 r.out.gmt [-p] input=string [output=string] [--verbose]
  -p   Display suggested GMT PostScript creation commands
 --v   Verbose module output
 --q   Quiet module output
   input   Name of input raster map
  output   Base name of output files (taken from input map
if not given)

Which is the debug for that function.
If I insert r.out.gmt -p input=aspect all GUI freezes.

I think it has something to do with WXPYTHON and scripts outside
GRASSsvn6.4.0 folder. WHat do you think?

Thank you
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