[GRASS-dev] Errors when trying to start wxpython GUI

Tobias Conradt conradt at pik-potsdam.de
Thu Jul 15 12:10:28 EDT 2010

Finally, I managed to solve it!

The error was not a broken Python, but an incomplete wxPython installation!
Python had well been accessed, as long as I didn't mess around with PYTHONPATH;
it just couldn't find the wx stuff.

Thanks anyway for the time you took looking on my problem!

Best regards,

Glynn Clements wrote:
> Tobias Conradt wrote:
>> Having set PYTHONHOME=/home/conradt/usr/local makes no difference,
>> any other setting now produces an *altered error message*:
>>   ImportError: No module named site
>> Any clues?
> Still a broken Python installation. The "site" module is part of the
> standard library. It's loaded automatically by the Python interpreter,
> before it starts processing the script, so any problem locating the
> standard library will manifest itself as an error in loading the site
> module.
> You would be better off asking on the Python mailing list.

"Das, wobei unsere Berechnungen versagen,
 nennen wir Zufall."
                                  --- Albert Einstein

|                                                    |
| Tobias Conradt             Diplom-Geooekologe      |
|                            Geo-ecologist (MSc)     |
| Fon: +49-331-288-2666                              |
|                                                    |
| Potsdam-Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)   |
| Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research      |
|                                                    |
|             http://www.pik-potsdam.de              |
|                                                    |
| Forschungsbereich 2 Klimawirkung & Vulnerabilitaet |
| Research Domain 2 Climate Impacts & Vulnerabilities|
|                                                    |
| gpg key:                                           |
| www.pik-potsdam.de/~conradt/pubkey_conradt.asc     |
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| BE37 BCA9 F654 AC27 AB6C 7795 FB72 59FC 1E6E 1197  |
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