[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #617: r.sim.water crashes on WinGrass
trac at osgeo.org
Mon Jul 19 16:20:49 EDT 2010
#617: r.sim.water crashes on WinGrass
Reporter: hamish | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Raster | Version: 6.4.0 RCs
Keywords: wingrass, r.sim.water | Platform: MSWindows XP
Cpu: x86-32 |
Comment(by hellik):
Replying to [comment:7 neteler]:
> Here a test for the NC dataset (from the ML):
> {{{
> g.region rural_1m res=2 -p
> r.mapcalc "man05 = 0.05"
> r.mapcalc "infil0 = 0.0"
> r.mapcalc "rain50mmhr = 50"
> v.surf.rst -d input=elev_lid792_bepts layer=0 elev=elev_lid792_2m
slope=dx_2m \
> aspect=dy_2m ten=15 smooth=1.5 segmax=25 npmin=100
> r.sim.water -t elevin=elev_lid792_2m dxin=dx_2m dyin=dy_2m
rain=rain50mmhr \
> infil=infil0 manin=man05 depth=wdp_2m disch=disch_2m nwalk=400000 \
> niter=500 outit=20 hmax=0.2 halpha=8.0 hbeta=1.0
> }}}
tested with WinGRASS-6.4.SVN-r42833-1-Setup.exe on a WinVista32,
r.sim.water still fails.
r.sim.water -t elevin=elev_lid792_2m dxin=dx_2m dyin=dy_2m rain=rain50mmhr
infil=infil0 manin=man05 depth=wdp_2m disch=disch_2m nwalk=400000
niter=500 outit=20 hmax=0.2 halpha=8.0 hbeta=1.0
D2/3: G__read_Cell_head
D2/3: G__read_Cell_head_array
D3/3: region item: proj: 99
D3/3: region item: zone: 0
D3/3: region item: north: 220750
D3/3: region item: south: 220000
D3/3: region item: east: 639000
D3/3: region item: west: 638300
D3/3: region item: cols: 350
D3/3: region item: rows: 375
D3/3: region item: e-w resol: 2
D3/3: region item: n-s resol: 2
D3/3: region item: top: 1
D3/3: region item: bottom: 0
D3/3: region item: cols3: 700
D3/3: region item: rows3: 750
D3/3: region item: depths: 1
D3/3: region item: e-w resol3: 1
D3/3: region item: n-s resol3: 1
D3/3: region item: t-b resol: 1
D3/3: rain_val is set to: -999.990000
D3/3: manin_val is set to: -999.990000
D3/3: infil_val is set to: -999.990000
D3/3: Running MAY 10 version, started modifications on
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/617#comment:10>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>
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