[GRASS-dev] colors for volumes

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Nov 10 23:33:26 EST 2010

We are trying to work with some volume data and we haven't been able to find a module that 
would actually create a color file for grid3d.
Apparently nviz reads the colors from the color table if it is present

and the G3D library provides functions for color support

G3D Color Support
Applications can use the standard grass functions to work with colors, except for the file manipulations.
int G3d_removeColor(char *name) Removes the primary and/or secondary color file. See G_remove_colr for details.
Returns always 0.
int G3d_readColors(char *name, char *mapset, struct Colors colors) Reads color file for map name in mapset into the colors structure. See G_read_colors(Raster_Color_Table) for details and return values.
int G3d_writeColors(char *name, char *mapset, struct Colors colors)Writes colors stored in colors structure into the color file for map name in mapset. See G_write_colors (Raster_Color_Table) for details and return values.

but there is no r3.color (based on r.color?) and rather surprisingly v.vol.rst does not create a color file (as v.surf.rst does),
neither do r.to.rast3 or v.to.rast3 (those probably are OK to use the default colors).
I assume that writing or copying a color file into the relevant grid3d directory would work (I can try it out),
but that is not a solution for normal users - I am wondering how difficult it would be to write r3.color module,
to make the colors on 3D rasters adjustable


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