[GRASS-dev] Possible to update to 6.4 stable on UbuntuGIS ppa repo?

Isaac Ullah isaac.ullah at asu.edu
Wed Sep 8 19:39:04 EDT 2010

Hi all,

   I'm not sure who maintains the compiled binaries on the ubuntugis ppa
repository, so I'm addressing this request to the whole list. Currently, the
version of GRASS64 on the ppa is RC6-2. Given that 64 stable has just been
released, it would be nice to have the stable version put up to the PPA. For
whatever reason the weekly snapshot does not install correctly on Ubuntu
(hasn't for some time now). It always spews out a proj error when you launch
GRASS. I have tried today to compile 64 stable from source (on Ubuntu
10.04), but keep getting an annoying error during config that it can't find
my gdal libs (even though they are installed in the normal place, and I've
run ldconfig, etc..). Hopefully I'll be able to figure out the compile
issues, but regardless, it would be nice for Ubuntu users to have the
ability to install 64 stable through apt-get or the package manager, and
would be much less of a head ache to install than compiling. So I suppose
this is a request to whomever it is that maintains those packages to upgrade
them to the current stable version...

Isaac I Ullah, M.A.

Archaeology PhD Candidate,
ASU School of Evolution and Social Change

Research Assistant,
Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics Project
isaac.ullah at asu.edu
ullah at archaeologist.com

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