[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1159: v.in.ascii fails with long text file in WinGRASS-6.4.0-1

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 16 18:22:58 EDT 2010

#1159: v.in.ascii fails with long text file in WinGRASS-6.4.0-1
 Reporter:  lponti      |       Owner:  grass-dev@…              
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new                      
 Priority:  normal      |   Milestone:  6.4.1                    
Component:  Vector      |     Version:  6.4.0                    
 Keywords:  v.in.ascii  |    Platform:  MSWindows 7              
      Cpu:  x86-32      |  

Comment(by hellik):

 Replying to [comment:5 hamish]:
 > level 2 debug messages added to db_close_database_shutdown_driver() in
 trunk and devbr6

 tested with a self compiled Grass65 in the Osgeo4w-stack (WinVista32)

 test ascii-point file created with

 v.out.ascii input=firestations at PERMANENT
 output=C:\wd\grassascii\firestation_ascii_point_g56.txt columns=CITY

 this reimported with:

 v.in.ascii -n input=C:\wd\grassascii\firestation_ascii_point_g56.txt
 BUG in Beschreibungen, Option 'Punkt' in <format> existiert nicht.
 BUG in Beschreibungen, Option 'Standard' in <format> existiert nicht.
 D2/3: Vect_open_new(): name = vinascii_with_table
 D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: V1_open_new_nat(): name = vinascii_with_table
 D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 D1/3: dig__write_head()
 D1/3: write coor size (0) to head
 D2/3: coor body offset 14
 D3/3: dig_init_plus()
 D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
 D3/3: dig_cidx_init()
 D3/3: Vect_hist_command()
 D3/3: G_recreate_command()
 Scanne die Eingabe zur Ermittelung der Spaltentypen...
 D2/3: G__read_Cell_head
 D2/3: G__read_Cell_head_array
 D3/3: region item: proj:       99
 D3/3: region item: zone:       0
 D3/3: region item: north:      228513
 D3/3: region item: south:      214975.5
 D3/3: region item: east:       645012
 D3/3: region item: west:       629992.5
 D3/3: region item: cols:       527
 D3/3: region item: rows:       475
 D3/3: region item: e-w resol:  28.5
 D3/3: region item: n-s resol:  28.5
 D3/3: region item: top:        1
 D3/3: region item: bottom:     0
 D3/3: region item: cols3:      527
 D3/3: region item: rows3:      475
 D3/3: region item: depths:     1
 D3/3: region item: e-w resol3: 28.5
 D3/3: region item: n-s resol3: 28.5
 D3/3: region item: t-b resol:  1
 D3/3: row 1 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 2 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 3 : 38 chars
 D3/3: row 4 : 38 chars
 D3/3: row 5 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 6 : 47 chars
 D3/3: row 7 : 40 chars
 D3/3: row 8 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 9 : 38 chars
 D3/3: row 10 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 11 : 38 chars
 D3/3: row 12 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 13 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 14 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 15 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 16 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 17 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 18 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 19 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 20 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 21 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 22 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 23 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 24 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 25 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 26 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 27 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 28 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 29 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 30 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 31 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 32 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 33 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 34 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 35 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 36 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 37 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 38 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 39 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 40 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 41 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 42 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 43 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 44 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 45 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 46 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 47 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 48 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 49 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 50 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 51 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 52 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 53 : 37 chars
 D3/3: row 54 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 55 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 56 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 57 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 58 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 59 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 60 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 61 : 38 chars
 D3/3: row 62 : 46 chars
 D3/3: row 63 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 64 : 41 chars
 D3/3: row 65 : 48 chars
 D3/3: row 66 : 45 chars
 D3/3: row 67 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 68 : 42 chars
 D3/3: row 69 : 39 chars
 D3/3: row 70 : 47 chars
 D3/3: row 71 : 48 chars
 Maximale Länge der Inputzeile: 49
 Maximale Anzahl der Spalten: 4
 Minimale Anzahl der Spalten: 4
 D1/3: Vect_default_field_info(): map = vinascii_with_table
 field = 1
 D2/3: drv = dbf db = $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/
 D3/3: Vect_subst_var(): in =
 vinascii_with_table, mapset = user1
 D3/3:   -> C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/dbf/
 D3/3: db_start_driver_open_database():
   drvname = dbf, dbname =
 D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir
 D3/3: win_spawn: args = C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c
 D2/3: DBF: db__driver_open_database() name =
 D2/3: db.name = C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/dbf/
 D2/3: add_table(): table = helli name = helli.dbf
 D2/3: Begin transaction
 Column: 1  type: double
 Column: 2  type: double
 Column: 3  type: integer
 Column: 4  type: string length: 13
 D3/3: Field number <1>, name <(null)>
 D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
 D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = vinascii_with_table,
 mapset = user1
 D1/3: dbln file: C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/vector
 D1/3: 1 vinascii_with_table cat
 D1/3: Dblinks written
 D3/3: create table vinascii_with_table ( cat integer, dbl_1
 double precision, dbl_2 double precision, int_1 integer,
 str_1 varchar(13) )
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: create table
 vinascii_with_table ( cat integer, dbl_1 double precision,
 dbl_2 double precision, int_1 integer, str_1 varchar(13) )
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <1> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: add_table(): table = vinascii_with_table name =
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D3/3: add_column(): tab = 1, type = 2, name = cat, width =
 11, decimals = 0
 D3/3: add_column(): tab = 1, type = 3, name = dbl_1, width =
 20, decimals = 6
 D3/3: add_column(): tab = 1, type = 3, name = dbl_2, width =
 20, decimals = 6
 D3/3: add_column(): tab = 1, type = 2, name = int_1, width =
 11, decimals = 0
 D3/3: add_column(): tab = 1, type = 1, name = str_1, width =
 13, decimals = 0
 D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = vinascii_with_table,
 mapset = user1
 D1/3: dbln file: C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/vector
 D1/3: Dblinks written
 D3/3: Field number <1>, name <(null)>
 D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
 D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = vinascii_with_table,
 mapset = user1
 D1/3: dbln file: C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/vector
 D1/3: 1 vinascii_with_table cat
 D1/3: Dblinks written
 Importiere Punkte...
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 1,
 620856.95858763, 230066.38313211, 1, 'Morrisville')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 1, 620856.95858763,
 230066.38313211, 1, 'Morrisville')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 2,
 625331.91859749, 229990.82160763, 2, 'Morrisville')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 2, 625331.91859749,
 229990.82160763, 2, 'Morrisville')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 3,
 615797.66547487, 213363.99261983, 3, 'Apex')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 3, 615797.66547487,
 213363.99261983, 3, 'Apex')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 4,
 623113.71424165, 219859.06222161, 4, 'Apex')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 4, 623113.71424165,
 219859.06222161, 4, 'Apex')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 5,
 627926.28432081, 203208.6160536, 5, 'Fuquay-Varina')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 5, 627926.28432081,
 203208.6160536, 5, 'Fuquay-Varina')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 68,
 649833.80593756, 219907.29347997, 68, 'Raleigh')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 68, 649833.80593756,
 219907.29347997, 68, 'Raleigh')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 69,
 622136.90859827, 220306.42922513, 69, 'Apex')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 69, 622136.90859827,
 220306.42922513, 69, 'Apex')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 70,
 625889.8783814, 211478.01839282, 70, 'Holly Springs')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 70, 625889.8783814,
 211478.01839282, 70, 'Holly Springs')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = vinascii_with_table, format
 = 0, level = 1
 D3/3: insert into vinascii_with_table values ( 71,
 623658.64334595, 209478.24330292, 71, 'Holly Springs')
 D3/3: SQL statement parsed successfully: insert into
 vinascii_with_table values ( 71, 623658.64334595,
 209478.24330292, 71, 'Holly Springs')
 D2/3: find_table(): table = vinascii_with_table
 D2/3:   ? helli
 D2/3:   ? vinascii_with_table
 D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 1, C:\gisdata\grassdata/nc_sp
 D3/3: Doing SQL command <3> on DBF table... (see
 D2/3: load_table(): tab = 1
 D2/3: Commit transaction
 D2/3: save_table 0
 D2/3: save_table 1
 D2/3: Write table to tempfile:
 D2/3: Write 71 rows
 D2/3: Written 71 records
 Fülle Tabelle...
 D2/3: db_close_database() result: 0  (0 means success)
 D2/3: db_shutdown_driver() failed
 ERROR: Konnte Attributetabelle nicht schliessen. Der DBMI-Treiber hat
 nicht alle Attribute akzeptiert.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1159#comment:6>
GRASS GIS <http://grass.osgeo.org>

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