[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS GIS] #1166: r.tileset: projection string
munching on wingrass
trac at osgeo.org
Sun Sep 19 05:50:38 EDT 2010
#1166: r.tileset: projection string munching on wingrass
Reporter: hamish | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 6.4.1
Component: Default | Version: svn-develbranch6
Keywords: r.tileset, wingrass | Platform: MSWindows XP
Cpu: x86-64 |
Comment(by hellik):
Replying to [ticket:1166 hamish]:
> Hi,
> while running r.in.wms at the MSys prompt on WinGrass with the NASA
OnEarth Landsat man page example, the r.tileset part does some weird
things to the +proj4 strings.
> to see them, you need to add some debug messages to the r.tileset
script, line ~233:
> {{{
> g.message -i message="[$p_source_proj]"
> g.message -i message="[$p_dest_proj]"
> }}}
> also I changed "message 3 ... $CS2CS" just above that to "g.message -i
message=..." so the cs2cs command line would show up.
> the weirdness displayed by that g.message is:
> {{{
> echo "589980.0 4913700.0" | cs2cs -f "\.8\f" '+proj=utm' '+zone=13'
> '+a=6378206.4' '+rf=294.9786982' '+no_defs'
> '+nadgrids=c;C:\PROGRA~1\GRASS-~1\msys\Program
> Files\GRASS-65-SVN\etc\nad\conus' '+to_meter=1.0' +to +init=epsg;4326
> }}}
> namely "+nadgrids=c;C:\PROGRA~1\..." starting with "c;" and
"+init=epsg:4326" becoming "+init=epsg;4326" (with an ';' instead of a
> `g.proj -j` by itself looks fine.
> ?
> thanks,
> Hamish
I don't know if it's related to this (maybe worth for an extra ticket?).
in the osgeo4w-stack there are in C:\OSGeo4W\share following folder with a
lot projection informations:
but only the proj-folder-content is included in WinGrass-installer.
I've tested r.in.wms in WinGrass64 and r.in.gdalwarp/gdalwarp couldn't
find the needed gcs.csv etc. files.
Should the other folders also be included in the WinGrass-Installer?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1166#comment:4>
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