[GRASS-dev] major backport for upcomming 6.4.2

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 09:19:39 EDT 2011

Hi all,

6.4.1 has been released yesterday, this fact allows backporting some
important changes to relbr64. Today I have done

* major wxGUI update (sync'ed with devbr6) - r45931
* ctypes included - r45937
* new v.net modules added - r45933

For detailed info see http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass6Planning

These changes requires

make distclean

steps. Please report any problems which can occur.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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