[GRASS-dev] error with libgrass_dbmidriver.so

rabotin rabotin at supagro.inra.fr
Fri Aug 26 10:42:05 EDT 2011

Dear all,
I'm developping a simple C++ script on ubuntu 11.04 64 bits with grass 
6.4.1. The script open a polygon vector which already exists and display 
the attributes on the screen.
The begin of the script seems to be correct :
Vect_open_old(&In, layername,"");
std::cout<<" init driver "<<drivername<<" " <<databasename<<" " 
// returns on the screen : init driver dbf 

And after  when trying to open the driver with

driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);

I have the following error :
/usr/lib/grass64/driver/db/dbf: error while loading shared libraries: 
libgrass_dbmidriver.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
dbmi: Protocol error

If I try  with an other command like this one:

I've got the same error.

Does anyone know what can be wrong in my script ? For information, I've 
a got an other grass session open (but no in the same location) on my 
computer when I launch this script; but I think that having several 
grass sessions open in same time can't be a problem, no ?

Thanks for any answers !!

Michael Rabotin


Michaël Rabotin
Ingénieur d'étude en géomatique / GIS Engineer

Laboratoire d'étude des Interactions Sol, Agrosystème et Hydrosystème

UMR LISAH Montpellier SupAgro-INRA-IRD
Bat. 24
2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier cedex 1

Laboratory Interactions between Soils, Agrosystems and Hydrosystems (LISAH)
Multi-Institute Research Unit (UMR)
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
French Institute for Research and Overseas Development (IRD)
International Center for Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences (Montpellier SupAgro)

Téléphone / Phone number :  33 (0)4 99 61 23 85
Secrétariat / Secretariat : 33 (0)4 99 61 22 61
Fax : 33 (0)4 67 63 26 14
E-mail : rabotin at supagro.inra.fr
Site web / website: http://www.umr-lisah.fr/
Site web OpenFLUID / OpenFLUID website: http://www.umr-lisah.fr/openfluid/

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