[GRASS-dev] wxNviz volumes

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at ncsu.edu
Sat Jul 2 17:09:59 EDT 2011

On Jul 2, 2011, at 7:35 AM, Anna Kratochvílová wrote:

> Hello Helena,
>>>> - I tried volumes in wxnviz but I did not get too far - the GUI does not see
>> any
>>>> of my 3d rasters -
>>>> the browser for 3D raster maps shows the mapsets but nothing in them
>>> It should be ok now.
>> It still does not work for me - when I am setting the 3D region (from set region
>> to match this 3D raster) they show up,
>> but not when I try to add it under wxnviz>Volume. Am I missing something? Should
>> I be adding them as map layers 
>> first somewhere?
> 3D raster must be loaded from the layer manager toolbar first like any other maps do. 
> In wxnviz only loaded maps (in Map layers tab) are offered. You tried this and it still doesn't work?
> Maybe I'm missing something.

I finally remembered the button where to add it - it is working now:

There are still a few issues 

- levels for isosurfaces need to be floating point - now,  if I set it to 0.5 I get 0
- redraw is not working automatically - I need to change view to get redraw
(similar to what we had for 2D raster surfaces)
- I think the emission parameter can be removed

When working with two volumes (I will include several volumes in the test data set
for you to try this out):

- when second volume is added the list of isosurfaces needs to be cleared,
it becomes all mixed up - I can get several levels with the same value and
it is not clear to which volume which applies

- isosurfaces for second volume stay black even after I changed color to constant red
(it looks like they don't get any light)

- after switching off the second volume in map layers it disapears but when I switch it back on
and define isosurface for it, the isosurfaces  do not come back.

- volumes need position control similar to the surfaces -  e.g. I have isosurfaces from two volumes
and I need to view them both overlayed and separated (e.g. above each other -
to see the spatial relationship

> I was able to find just the Slovakia3D dataset. Could you tell me where I can find any other volumes
> for better testing?

I will post a mapset with some data in a day or two, I just need to clean it up.
> I would like to ask if the new feature - generating commands for nviz_cmd is ok or if the interface should look 
> differently (where the output should be written etc.). So if you have some ideas please tell me.

when I click on the Generate command for nviz_cmd nothing happens, here is the traceback:

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/helena/grassdev7/grass_trunk/dist.i386-apple-
> darwin10.7.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py", line
> 1353, in OnNvizCmd
> self.lmgr.GetLogWindow().WriteLog(text = cmd, switchPage =
> True)
>   File "/Users/helena/grassdev7/grass_trunk/dist.i386-apple-
> darwin10.7.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/goutput.py", line
> 385, in WriteLog
> self.cmd_output.SetStyle()
>   File "/Users/helena/grassdev7/grass_trunk/dist.i386-apple-
> darwin10.7.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/goutput.py", line
> 1019, in SetStyle
> settings = preferences.Settings()
>   File "/Users/helena/grassdev7/grass_trunk/dist.i386-apple-
> darwin10.7.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/preferences.py",
> line 64, in __init__
> self.filePath = os.path.join(utils.GetSettingsPath(), 'wx')
>   File "/Users/helena/grassdev7/grass_trunk/dist.i386-apple-
> darwin10.7.0/etc/gui/wxpython/gui_modules/utils.py", line
> 759, in GetSettingsPath
> version = int(grass.version()['version'].split('.', 1)[0])
> KeyError
> :
> 'version'


> Anna

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