[GRASS-dev] Re: display text in wxNviz

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 16:01:24 EDT 2011

I'm sorry to disappoint You. I have no idea about X or OpenGL
programming. All I know is that XLoadQueryFont() returns NULL on valid
font names. On my Gentoo system xfontsel also doesn't work. (Are other
programs using different method to find system fonts for X?)

I would suggest to use Michaels suggestion - render legend on top of
the canvas by other means (if it's possible - no idea how 3D works in
wxgui). Leave north arrow as-is till somebody comes up with a solution
for text rendering in OGSF.



2011/7/8 Anna Kratochvílová <KratochAnna at seznam.cz>:
> Hello,
> I recently implemented the north arrow in WxNviz but I have problems with displaying text. You seem to have some experience so I wonder if you could help me.  The problem is in the fontbase variable which is needed but I really don't understand what it is and how could I get it. It is calculated in [0] in Togl_LoadBitmapFont function. The north arrow can stay without text but scalebar and legend not, so I need some solution.
> Thanks for any help.
> Anna
> [0] http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/visualization/nviz/src/togl.c

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