[GRASS-dev] GSOC Week 3 report : Adding WMS layer support to update WXGUI

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 18 00:50:58 EDT 2011

Sudeep Singh wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is my 3rd week report. Please find it at following link. 
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI_WMS_service_rendering_GSoC_2011#Report_.233_9-06-2011.
> thanks

Hi Sudeep,

as you get more into the coding of the WMS parts, I guess you
have seen the specification docs for it:

[hmrf, the spec now seems to live behind some legalese-click-
through. I have an old copy which did not require that, if you
don't like to agree to those things]

see also links at

the QGIS and GDAL implementations are probably easier examples,
but see also the old scripts/r.in.wms/ in the GRASS source code.
(I would not suggest to use that as a model for your work, the
design is a bit convoluted) Maybe the python version of r.in.wms
in grass7 source code is not as complicated?


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