[GRASS-dev] Atmospheric correction for hyperspectral sensors

Abhijit Bhattacharjee abhijit at isi.edu
Tue Mar 22 15:35:09 EDT 2011

Hello Grass Developers,


I am working on a project where we need to provide atmospherically corrected
versions of Hyperion data, which is a hyperspectral sensor. Previously,
GRASS's i.atcorr function has been very useful when I was analyzing MODIS
data. However, there are no presets in the spectrum tables for hyperspectral


I'm looking to modify the source of i.atcorr to support correction of
Hyperion images, which has 242 bands within the 250-4000 nm spectrum
supported by i.atcorr's 6S implementation. Can anyone point me in the right
place where I can make changes or add these bands to i.atcorr's supported
profiles? If I can get this working correctly, I would be willing to submit
the code to the project as well, assuming there is interest.


Thank you,

Abhijit B.

Information Sciences Institute

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