[GRASS-dev] adding spacetime datasets to element list

Sören Gebbert soerengebbert at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 16 18:22:54 EST 2012

Hi Michael,
this is a complex task. I will try to sketch a road map:

1.) Standard options for the new space time datasets must be specified
in "lib/gis/parser_standard_options.c", as identifier the
abbreviations of space time raster, vector and raster3d datasets
should be used: stds, strds, stvds and str3ds:

1.1) G_OPT_STDS_INPUT and G_OPT_STDS_INPUTS  to specify options with
strds, stvds and str3ds input(s), since several modules can handle
different types of inputs. gisprompt = "old,stds,stds", key="input" or
"inputs", key_desc = "name"

space time raster dataset input(s) and output. gisprompt =
"old,strds,strds" and "new,strds,strds", key="input" or "inputs" or
"output", key_descr = "name"

1.3) The same scheme for space time vector and raster3d datasets

1.4) G_OPT_MAP_INPUT and G_OPT_MAP_INPUTS for modules which can handle
raster, vector and raster3d maps. gisprompt="old,map,map", key = "map"
and "maps", key_descr = "name"

1.5) G_OPT_STDS_TYPE options="strds,stvds,str3ds", answer="strds" to
select a space time dataset type

1.6) G_OPT_MAP_TYPE  options="rast,vect,rast3d", answer="rast" to
select a map type

1.7) All temporal modules must be updated to use the standard options

1.8) The WPS parser XML generator must be updated

2.) GUI -> well, i do not know much about the GUI

2.1) I don't know if the GUI XML description generator needs to be modified?

2.1) t.list should be used to list registered space time datasets in the GUI

2.2) In case of G_OPT_STDS_INPUT(S) the gui have to use t.list to get
all space time datasets in the temporal database -> 6 calls:
strds,stvds and str3ds for absolute and relative time, colored or
marked by type

2.3) In case of G_OPT_MAP_INPUT(S) all available raster, vector and
raster3d maps should be listed, colored or marked by type

Anything more to do?

Until this is implemented i would suggest to not use the GUI in case
of temporal GIS framework modules. :)

Best regards

2012/2/16 Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>:
> At some point, we need to get the new space/time data sets, that organize
> the temporal GIS features Sören is building, into the GRASS element_list.
> This is needed so that these can be managed by g.list, etc and so that these
> data sets can appear in a pull-down list in the GUI. I'm not sure what is
> involved in doing this.
> Michael
> _____________________
> C. Michael Barton
> Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
> National Center for Atmospheric Research &
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
> 303-497-2889 (voice)
> Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
> Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
> Arizona State University
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu
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