[GRASS-dev] PIxel-wise regression contribution

Damien O'Grady damien.ogrady at my.jcu.edu.au
Fri May 18 19:45:09 EDT 2012

Hi there

I would like to contribute a script that I have used in my research to
the broader field.  The script carries out linear regression, except
that rather than using two rasters for the x and y variables, it uses
any number of pairs of rasters, allowing the regression to be carried
out across a time series, resulting in a slope, intercept and R^2 values
for each pixel.

The crunch is that it is written in perl, as this is what I know best
and it serves me well.  I have done my best to conform to the stated
standards, and I have produced a fairly detailed manual page.  This will
give you a better idea of what the script does, with examples.  I attach
the script and html here.  I hope that you will consider making it
available to others.

Here at James Cook University, by the way, we are encouraging a switch
from problematic and costly proprietary software to GRASS GIS.  I am a
major fan of GRASS, particularly on a Linux platform, and I am pleased
that more and more students are listening.  You should see a sharp rise
in its use here in Queensland in the near future. 


Damien O'Grady

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