[GRASS-dev] Bash aliases in GRASS

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Sat Feb 16 05:59:34 PST 2013

On Friday 15 of February 2013 16:48:46 Hamish wrote:
> Nikos wrote:
> > ps- updated the respective Wiki-Page accordingly!
> > <http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Working_with_GRASS_without_starting_it_ex
> > plicitly#Bash_examples_.28GNU.2FLinux.29>
> (please create a new section for grass7-development if you like,
> or use the trac development wiki, but do not remove relevant
> grass6-stable content while it is still the stable release most
> users will and should be using.. tx.)

Reverted back -- thanks for heads-up!

My justification was/is that this specific set of instructions are targeting 
users who (at least think that they) know what they are doing.

Best, N
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