[GRASS-dev] g.extension not working on debian - grass 6.4.3svn

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 28 13:14:51 PST 2013

Margherita wrote:
> Hamish,
> KUDOS! It works like a charm, tested with addons in C, in
> python and in bash.
> Thanks A LOT!

glad to hear it. It's just the first step though, making sure it
also still works from the various packages (esp. Mac) is needed.

Paulo, re.:
> ERROR: G_getenv(): Variable LOCATION_NAME not set

I'd again ask Markus's question- are you trying to run the script
from outside of GRASS? The help pages get their usage info auto-
matically from a modified version of 'g.module --help', so if
you try to run it from outside of GRASS the module fails to run
and that's the error you are seeing. During the main build we
don't have a grass session to use for that so we employ a trick
that creates a fake grass session (called "demolocation", perhaps
a poor choice of words) and runs it there. The bootstrapping from
that to the installed stripped down build system for g.extension
and self compiled addon modules or self-supplied scripts  is in large part the cause of all the trouble we've had with this, it's a multicontext situation. But solvable, and hopefully that part of it is all ok now.


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