[GRASS-dev] grass, python, Pygrass

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 00:28:49 PDT 2013

On 26 June 2013 06:40, Ivan Marchesini <ivan.marchesini at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear grass-developers

Ciao Ivan

> I'm working with Python, GRASS and Pygrass and I have some small
> problems probably due to my poor knowledge of Python.
> I would ask your help.
> I have this small code:

this is not your code right?

>     grass.run_command("v.to.rast", input=ocs, type="line", output="tmp_ocs", use="val", overwrite=True)
>     grass.mapcalc("$outmap = $a", a = dtm, outmap="demcut", overwrite = true)
>     grass.run_command("g.remove", rast="visitati")
>     np_ocs = raster.RasterNumpy("tmp_ocs")
>     np_ocs.open()
>     visited=np_ocs*0
>     visited.open()
>     for i in range(1,new.shape[0]-1):
>         for j in range(1,new.shape[1]-1):
>             if np_ocs[i,j] == 1:
>                 visited[i,j] = 1
>             else:
>                 visited[i,j] = 3
>     visited.name='visitati'
>     visited.close()
>     sys.exit("stop")
> When I run it I obtain a lot of:
> WARNING: rast=visitati,visitati: files could be the same, no rename
>          possible
> I cannot understand where the warnings arise... and why..
> can you help me??

probably your run more than one your script?
probably you have to add visited.overwrite = True before close your map

please let us know

> many thanks
> Ivan



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