[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #1889: wxPy loc'n wiz: don't auto-launch into PERMANENT
trac at osgeo.org
Sun Mar 10 03:08:14 PDT 2013
#1889: wxPy loc'n wiz: don't auto-launch into PERMANENT
Reporter: hamish | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone: 6.4.3
Component: wxGUI | Version: 6.4.3 RCs
Keywords: location wizard | Platform: Unspecified
Cpu: x86-64 |
Comment(by martinl):
Replying to [comment:14 hamish]:
> not before it has been ported to all branches. (please don't do
development work in the release branch and then not sync with the dev
branches. The release branch must be treated with great care, only code
tested in the relevant dev branch should be backported to the release
branch- by backporting it to the release branch you're personally signing
off that the code is tested and works. tx)
just small note: it's probably related to the fact, that you are probably
only developer who wants to do "development" in GRASS 6 branches. There
were several discussions in the past, and I don't want to open this topic
again. The result will the same. Please bear in mind, that you are
probably only one from devs who really wants to keep `develbranch_6`
alive. Development should be done only in trunk! Anyway this is one of
consequences, all of us need to maintain three branches just because we
didn't decided that we don't need `develbranch_6`. This is meant to open
discussion again, it's just a reminder.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1889#comment:16>
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