[GRASS-dev] ps.map segfaults when defining a very long (r.support) raster title

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Mon Mar 11 06:31:17 PDT 2013

Dear devs,

I have reasons to believe that defining a very long title to a raster map 
(r.support), causes a segfault when trying to draw this map with ps.map.

Both in G6 and G7, something like

# a very long "title"
r.support RasterMap title="Project-Name,  forest classes 
derived from various sources, including Landsat scenes that fall in to the UTM 
zone 34N"

causes a segfault when running a  ps.map  script which includes also the 
"header" instruction.

The "title" is part of the ps.map's "header" instruction(s). Is there a limit 
in the "title" field?  Nothing I could find quickly (manual, first web-searching 

If yes, why not preventing the user from defining a very long (descriptive) 

I guess I am miss-using here the "title" field -- but why not?  If it's there 
and  ps.map  picks it up and nicely puts it on top of the drawn map frame.

Thanks, Nikos
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