[GRASS-dev] Grass7 tech-preview release [was Re: [GRASS-user] to move or not move ? grass64 <- ? -> 7.0]

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 15:45:53 PDT 2013

2013/3/19 Markus Metz <markus.metz.giswork at gmail.com>:
> I like the idea of a tech-preview release of GRASS7!


> I think that no more (or at least not many) major changes will go into
> GRASS 7, apart from the wxGUI code base. Therefore it would IMHO be
> very beneficial to get more feedback on GRASS 7 in order to detect and
> fix remaining bugs.

Also in pygrass there is "some" work to do yet....

> Markus M



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