[GRASS-dev] Color tables issues

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 19:29:56 PDT 2014


I just had three issues with color table.

1) First, I did not see anything when I showed the output of r.stats.zonal
in map display:

r.stats.zonal base=basin_10K cover=aspect method=sum output=test
d.rast test

But the values were ok, so I realized I that the preset color table is
wrong and I need to set my own.

2) It worked, however, the color table pictures were not in the r.colors
dialog. Note: I had freshly compiled trunk after make distclean (outside
GRASS session).

So, I went to raster/r.colors and run make inside GRASS session. I got the
color tables.

3) In the meantime, I noticed that color tables thumbnails are in docs
which is bad when some Linux distribution has the separate package for docs
(recently noted on mailing list).

I think that 3) is mentioned in the related ticket. Not sure if 2) relates
to recent changes in build GRASS session. 1) might be trivial to fix, not

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