[GRASS-dev] Convenient download of the new logo is missing

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 18:08:31 PST 2015

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Vincent Bain <bain at toraval.fr> wrote:

> We could complete the page with some LaTeX considerations : my knowledge
> of latex is limited to my own daily experience. I recently set up beamer
> presentations that I compiled with XeLaTeX. For those documents I put
> the following lines in preambule
>         \newfontface\firathin{FiraSans-Thin.otf}
>         \newcommand{\grass}{\textbf{GRASS}\,{\firathin{GIS}}}
> then \grass{} automatically displays the word GRASS GIS in the right
> fontface in the document. Maybe we could give some *TeX/Xe*TeX hints on
> how to e.g. cite grass and display its icon, slogan, ... maybe not ?

This would be good. *TeX and also HTML. I personally prefer the non-font
versions but I think the website can handle more versions as long as the
few most important files are at the top.

I've recently used something like in a LaTeX Beamer presentation:


I'm not sure if I always consider good linking an external image but often
projects provide HTML to include their logo:

<a href="https://grass.osgeo.org/">
    <img alt="GRASS GIS logo" style="border-width:0" src="
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