[GRASS-dev] r.cpt2grass - add option to multiply values

Anna Petrášová kratochanna at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 19:21:58 PST 2015

Hi Paulo,

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Paulo van Breugel <p.vanbreugel at gmail.com>

> Hi Anna
> Just an idea I got when using r.ctp2grass for some climate data. Climate
> data layers are often multiplied by a factor 10 so they can be distributed
> as integer rasters while still maintaining a desired degree of precision.
> This made me think that it would be nice if I could create a color rules
> file using r.ctp2grass with the option to multiply the default values as
> defined in the ctp file. Perhaps something along the lines of attached
> patch file for r.ctp2grass (for illustrative purposes, I am sure things can
> be done better)? Is that something that could be implemented? Something
> similar could perhaps be nice for r.colors as well when using one of the
> included color tables (but only those based on values rather than
> percentages obviously).
> Cheers,
> Paulo
I can't really judge the usefulness of such option, but if you find it
useful, then go ahead and commit it. I would just use 'multiply' or
'multiplier', not 'multi' as the option name.



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