[GRASS-dev] Making sense of packages for Ubuntu

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 15 07:03:14 PDT 2015

> 2015-06-15 15:12 GMT+02:00 Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>:
>> Why do I need ubuntugis-unstable for grass-stable? Isn't
>> ubuntugis-stable a
> no, it doesn't seems to be a better choice, check which versions are
> provided by ubuntu-stable [1]. It seems to be not maintained so much
> (GDAL 1.10), AFAIU only unstable is somehow up-to-date. There will be
> someone here who will know more than me I guess.

The focus of the UbuntuGIS team is on the unstable repository, if you want
to improve the UbuntuGIS PPAs you should contribute to the team because
there is hardly anyone actively contributing to UbuntuGIS these days. The
same was true for the Debian GIS team, but both have found at least one
new contributor to keep things moving. But there is far more work to do
for the few active people to manage, please consider contributing.

Questions about the UbuntuGIS PPA should be directed to their list, I
don't think any of their contributor are subscribed to this list.


Kind Regards,


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