[GRASS-dev] [Temporal] Access a temporal dataset from another mapset

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 08:24:30 PDT 2016

Hello Laurent,

2016-08-08 12:13 GMT-03:00 Laurent C. <lrntct at gmail.com>:

> Hello Veronica,
> Thanks for your answer. Here is my version, under Ubuntu 16.4:
> $ g.version -b
> GRASS 7.0.4 (2016)

grass 7.0.4 should be fine, the change was introduced last year...

> According to g.mapset -l, the mapsets are in the search path.

g.mapset -l
will only list available mapsets, but that does not mean they are accesible

> If I
> make the mapset current, I can access the STRDS in that mapset, but
> not from another mapset. I have one temporal DB for each mapset.
> Below are the commands:
> $ g.mapset -p
> hull
here you are just printing the current mapset

> $ g.mapset -l
> PERMANENT hull_rain hull

and here listing the available mapsets

You need to do:

g.mapsets -p mapset=hull_rain,PERMANENT operation=add

to indeed add the mapset to the search path and make it accessible from
other mapset

That should be it :)
Let me know

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