[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3089: exec_command fails if '.exe' not included in filename.

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Tue Jul 5 22:37:24 PDT 2016

#3089: exec_command fails if '.exe' not included in filename.
  Reporter:  artegion     |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  7.0.5
 Component:  Default      |    Version:  svn-releasebranch72
Resolution:               |   Keywords:
       CPU:  Unspecified  |   Platform:  MSWindows 7

Comment (by glynn):

 Replying to [ticket:3089 artegion]:

 > It seems like os.execvpe does not use PATHEXT environment variable
 (maybe because dot in filename overrides PATHEXT and ".category" is taken
 as file extension)

 In this specific case, I'd suggest just using run_command() instead of
 exec_command(). On Windows, they amount to essentially the same thing
 anyhow; Windows doesn't have a "real" execve(); it just executes the
 command as a child process, waits for the child to terminate, then

 There aren't many plausible situations where exec_command() is actually
 needed; it mostly just provides a very slight efficiency gain (on Unix) by
 not needing to keep the parent process alive for the duration of the

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3089#comment:1>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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