[GRASS-dev] grouping most important parameters in a 'main' tab

Anna Petrášová kratochanna at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 17:49:08 PST 2016

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Paulo van Breugel <p.vanbreugel at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Moritz Lennert <
>> mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:
>>> In a response to #2632 [1], I changed v.db.select in trunk (r67337) in
>>> order to reorder parameters in the module GUI and group what I consider the
>>> most important parameters in a 'Main' tab.
>>> I know there has been much discussion about parameter grouping in the
>>> GUI before and I don't want to impose my choices here. So, I'm more than
>>> happy to revert if necessary.
>>> The main idea is to ease the use of module GUIs without giving up their
>>> complete power. In other words, simplify, without dumming down. If, for a
>>> module, there are some parameters that seem the most obvious ones to
>>> change, then why not regroup them in a 'Main' tab, while leaving the other,
>>> more specialised ones, in separate tabs ?
>> I am all in favour of this. Easier for the casual user and it means less
>> clicks for probably most user-cases. I guess it will not always be easy to
>> determine what are the most important / common parameters, but for this
>> module I think you got them all right under the main tab.
> Moritz, I agree we need to improve this and I like what you did with
> v.db.select.
> However, I think that the concept of Main tab as general rule for all
> modules will not work. But I think that it could work as yet another style
> of creating groups. Some modules are fine with Required and Optional. Some
> with Input and Output. Some need this Main or whatever is the right name.
> If it is done correctly, then I believe users can handle more than one tab
> (if Input and Output have 10 options each then it clearly something which
> needs to be fixed; probably with the approach you propose).
> It seems to me that Main is not a good name. Something like Basic seems
> better as it is "all the basic things you need to set". v.db.select is
> doing select. But v.db.select's Main tab ("the most important ones")
> doesn't contain anything for actual selection. That's why it seems more
> like Basic.
> A side note: Although Basic would suggest that there should be Advanced,
> the things should be split into more tabs/groups when they are not basic.
> Also, if the Main in v.db.select is aimed of export of the whole table as
> CSV then perhaps we need a separate module (wrapper) to do that.
Little bit related to this topic, I would like to change r.colors dialog.
What bothers me most there is the file option which I believe is not used
much and I often start to type the color rules in there. There are couple
of options how to change this, one suggestion is to minimize layout changes
but still get less confusing gui:

tab Map: only option map
tab Define: keep flags n, g, a, e (invert, both logarithmic, hist
equalization) and options color, raster, rules
tab Remove and Print could be removed
tab Optional: -r, -l (moved from the removed tabs), flag w (only write
table if doesn't exist), option file, raster3d

or we could have in the first tab not just the name of the map but also the
option color as the most used option. But then we should rename the tabs
Map and Define, not sure how. Any opinion?


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