[GRASS-dev] GRASS-GIS GUI failed to start

Tung Nguyen tungkttv at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 15:27:58 PDT 2017

Hello GRASS dev,

I'm using GRASS-GIS v6.4.3 on Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa but couldn't get the GUI
to start. I have tried all solutions I could find to no avail. What I have
tried so far:
- Uninstall & reinstall numpy (numpy-1.13.1)
- Uninstall (purge) and reinstall python-wxversion, python-wxgtk2.8 then
grass-core, grass-dev & grass-gui

*- Error message:*

*Welcome to GRASS 6.4.3 (2013) *
*GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.osgeo.org/
*This version running thru:               Bash Shell (/bin/bash)*
*Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i*
*See the licence terms with:              g.version -c*
*If required, restart the GUI with:       g.gui wxpython*
*When ready to quit enter:                exit*

*[Raster MASK present]*
*GRASS 6.4.3 (default):~ > Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/wxgui.py", line 34, in <module>*
*    from lmgr.frame import GMFrame*
*  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/lmgr/frame.py", line 46, in <module>*
*    from lmgr.layertree        import LayerTree, LMIcons*
*  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/lmgr/layertree.py", line 37, in
*    from mapdisp.frame       import MapFrame*
*  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/mapdisp/frame.py", line 52, in
*    from wxplot.profile     import ProfileFrame*
*  File "/usr/lib/grass64/etc/wxpython/wxplot/profile.py", line 23, in
*    import wx.lib.plot as plot*
*  File
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx/lib/plot.py", line
132, in <module>*
*    raise ImportError, "Numeric,numarray or NumPy not found. \n" + msg*
*ImportError: Numeric,numarray or NumPy not found. *
*            This module requires the Numeric/numarray or NumPy module,*
*            which could not be imported.  It probably is not installed*
*            (it's not part of the standard Python distribution). See the*
*            Numeric Python site (http://numpy.scipy.org
<http://numpy.scipy.org>) for information on*
*            downloading source or binaries.*

*- Machine info:*

*$ python --version*
*Python 2.7.6*

*$ inxi -Fxz*
*System:    Kernel: 4.4.0-28-generic x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 4.8.4)*
*           Desktop: Cinnamon 2.8.8 (Gtk 3.10.8) Distro: Linux Mint 17.3
*Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA GM107GL [Quadro K620] bus-ID: 01:00.0*
*           Display Server: X.Org 1.17.1 driver: nvidia Resolution:
1920x1080 at 60.0hz, 1920x1080 at 60.0hz*
*           GLX Renderer: Quadro K620/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA
375.39 Direct Rendering: Yes*

Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!

-- Tung
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