[GRASS-dev] GRASS flyer for the new osgeo branding

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jul 27 09:47:36 PDT 2017

Hi Luca,

Some feedback from me:

- remove "a" from the first sentence:   GRASS GIS is free and open 
source software for performing spatial analysis.

- add an "s" to "consist" in the second sentence:  It consists of more 
than 450 modules

- in the third sentence, the term "map web services" confuses me, did 
you mean "web map services" instead??

- in the next sentence, change "but still at the bleeding edge" to "but 
is still at the bleeding edge"

- in the section "A long term endeavor":

    - change "wide contributors community. Both combine" to "wide 
contributors community; both combine"

- in the section "Interfaces":

    - change "the simpler for new user" to "the simplest for the new user"

    - change "text based" to "text-based"


On 2017-07-27 1:05 PM, Anna Petrášová wrote:
> Hi Luca,
> great effort! Let me also comment on couple small things:
> * The bottom 'GRASS GIS' seems unnecessary, I would keep only the
> logo, which I would align to the left and the url to the right
> * In interfaces, I would skip "called wxGUI", I am not sure whether we
> need to mention it's in wxPython, new users probably won't know about
> the old GUI?
> * Now you have there twice that GRASS is old, maybe I would replace
> the sentence "It is the oldest..." with something like "GRASS GIS can
> serve you as a desktop GIS, the backbone of a geospatial
> infrastructure or as an innovation platform for scientific modeling."
> Thank you for working on this
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 8:39 AM, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 27 July 2017 at 09:21, Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:
>>> Great !
>>> Again a few remarks after a rapid glance:
>>> - If we say in the opening paragraph that it is the "oldest" free GIS, then
>>> we should probably add in the same sentence something like "but still at the
>>> bleeding edge of innovation in GIS technology".
>>> - I don't find that the paragraph on the top right really explains "Data
>>> management capabilities" since most of what is in it concerns data analysis.
>>> Maybe entitle it "Features" ?
>>> - psmap is not the tool that "interactively compares two maps"
>>> And just an idea: maybe replace the paragraph entitles "Graphical tools"
>>> (the list of which I find a bit abstract for new users) by one called
>>> "Multiple forms of use" [better title needed] explaining that you can use
>>> GRASS via a GUI (maybe cite some of the GUI modules in parantheses there),
>>> via command line (e.g. on headless servers) and via easy integration into
>>> different programming languages.
>> done!
>>> Moritz
>> --
>> ciao
>> Luca
>> www.lucadelu.org

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