Zechariah Krautwurst
zfkrautw at ncsu.edu
Tue Mar 28 05:32:29 PDT 2017
Thanks for the reply! Shell scripts, documentation, or any further advice
about finding mentors or otherwise would be a huge help. And yes, I would
definitely like to create a more broadly applicable framework that could
accommodate toolsets like r.modis.
Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you!
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 6:15 AM, Blumentrath, Stefan <
Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no> wrote:
> Hi Zeke,
> I cannot offer to mentor your project, but I could make some shell scripts
> available for you, that turn publicly available data into GRASS Locations
> and mapsets.
> It is not really much, but depending on the approach you choose they might
> be a helpful startingpoint.
> BTW. comparable tools to r.modis for other sensors would be awesome too!!!
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> *From:* grass-dev [mailto:grass-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf
> Of *Zechariah Krautwurst
> *Sent:* tirsdag 28. mars 2017 00.56
> *To:* grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> *Subject:* [GRASS-dev] GRASS GIS and GSoC
> Hello All,
> My name is Zeke Krautwurst and I am interested in participating in GSoC
> this summer through GRASS GIS. I have been in contact with developers
> Vashek Petras and Anna Petrasova at NCSU. Vashek recommended that I reach
> out to the broader dev community as well, potentially to find a lead mentor.
> As part of my Master of Geospatial Information Science and Technology
> coursework at NCSU, I am working on a few projects using Python,
> PostgreSQL, and database development that I think will apply to the needs
> of the *GRASS GIS Locations created from public data*
> <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2017#GRASSGISLocationscreatedfrompublicdata>
> project.
> Through April, I will be creating a GUI and Python scripts to convert
> multiple formats of publicly available microbiome data into a standardized
> geospatial format. I also hope to create a normalized PostgreSQL database
> that accommodates the scripts, the microbiome data, and associated metadata
> which could all be deployed through a web-based framework.
> I want to use GRASS GIS for both of those assignments in place of ArcMap
> and I think that completing those projects will give me the experience I
> need to be useful to the GRASS GIS project over the summer. Additionally, I
> am looking to develop and complete my MGIST capstone project this coming
> Fall and I would be happy to continue this work through graduation in Dec
> 2017.
> Thanks for your time and please let me know if anyone has any feedback or
> advice!
> Best,
> Zeke
> --
> Zechariah F. Krautwurst
> NCSU College of Natural Resources
> MGIST Candidate 2017
> zfkrautw at ncsu.edu
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