[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3633: wxGUI: wording of menu entries for data import

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Aug 31 01:20:59 PDT 2018

#3633: wxGUI: wording of menu entries for data import
 Reporter:  mlennert          |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
     Type:  enhancement       |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:  7.6.0
Component:  wxGUI             |    Version:  unspecified
 Keywords:  data import menu  |        CPU:  Unspecified
 Platform:  Unspecified       |
 Yesterday I was confronted with some confusion by people who do know GRASS
 GIS, but do not follow all detailed discussions and evolutions.

 They wanted to import a series of shape files from a directory. They knew
 they had to use v.in.ogr to do so, and since they had the memory that some
 time back the menu entry followed by [v.in.ogr] was the right one to this,
 they chose that one, instead of the first entry which indicates [v.import]
 and mentions reprojection which they didn't need.

 As v.in.ogr actually allows to import a whole series of shapefiles at once
 from a given directory they tried this, without understanding that
 v.in.ogr only creates one output file and so all the imported files were
 included as different layers in the same output vector map which is not
 easy to deal with for less advanced users.

 Thus my idea: maybe we could change the wording of the menu entries that
 open a wizard, and not a real module GUI, in order to make it clearer and
 to make these entries potentially independent of the modules that are
 behind the wizards ?

 This would mean rewording the GUI entry for the *.import modules from the

 "Simplified vector import with reprojection" [v.import]

 to something like

 "Simple vector import wizard with optional reprojection"

 and only use the [ModuleName] syntax when it really is a generic module
 GUI that is called.

 What do you think ?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3633>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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