[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2764: corrupt data written to FCELL and DCELL rasters, hard to re-produce
trac at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 9 12:11:51 PST 2018
#2764: corrupt data written to FCELL and DCELL rasters, hard to re-produce
Reporter: dylan | Owner: grass-dev@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.2.3
Component: Raster | Version: unspecified
Resolution: | Keywords:
CPU: x86-64 | Platform: Linux
Comment (by mmetz):
Replying to [comment:29 dylan]:
> [...] Note that I don't have any issues with any other GRASS commands,
or (as far as I can tell) general usage on this machine. I only see these
errors when working with GRASS commands that:
> * take a long time to run: `r.sun` or `t.rast.mapcalc` ([http://osgeo-
using-r-series-and-t-rast-series-td5229569.html e.g. a couple of years
> * operate on moderately large, floating-point maps
> * are done in parallel, either via GNU `parallel` or as implemented in
the temporal suite of modules
> ...hence the extreme difficulty in recreating the errors or further
Unfortunately, I was not able to recreate these errors with the provided
test data and scripts.
I still think this is some obscure disk IO error. You could try to use
`nice`, e.g. `nice r.sun ...` and `nice r.mapcalc ...` in `daily-rad.sh`.
At least this helps when running many GRASS modules in parallel on HPC
systems where results are written out to one single storage device.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2764#comment:30>
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