[GRASS-dev] non-zero return code -11 from v.in.ogr in python script

Stefan Blumentrath Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no
Wed Jun 13 02:34:44 PDT 2018


On a GRASS 7.4 installation from ubuntugis-unstable I get a "non-zero return code -11" error when I try to import data from PostGIS using v.in.ogr in a ython script.

Looking at the post here:

it seems to be a version conflict but I double-checked and the GDAL version on the system is exactly the one GRASS 7.4.0 on ubuntugis-unstable is built against.

This error is for some reason not popping up every time I run the script but somewhat unpredictable...
Does anyone of you have a suggestion on how to trac the cause for the problem? Can it be linked to temporary files or NFS write instability...?

Thanks in advance for any hint...


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