[GRASS-dev] GSoC introduction Roberta Fagandini

Roberto Marzocchi roberto.marzocchi at gmail.com
Wed May 9 00:41:26 PDT 2018

Hi Roberta and Moritz!

SCHEMA: Roberta has already written the rules in the schema, but I think
you need to open it with a google drive app called diagram.io

New mail to GRASS-DEV : +1


2018-05-08 18:10 GMT+02:00 Roberta Fagandini <robifagandini a gmail.com>:

> Hi Moritz and Roberto!
> Here [0] you can find the updated version of the project wiki page!
> Tomorrow I'll better detail the procedure schema and then I'll share
> everything with the grass dev list asking for feedback.
> At the same time, I want to follow the procedure for access to the
> GRASS-Addons-SVN repository (maybe another thing to do during the bonding
> period ).
> Roberta
> [0] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2018/CloudsAndShadowsDetection
> 2018-05-08 13:42 GMT+02:00 Moritz Lennert <mlennert a club.worldonline.be>:
>> On 08/05/18 13:38, Roberta Fagandini wrote:
>>> 2018-05-08 9:59 GMT+02:00 Moritz Lennert <mlennert a club.worldonline.be
>>> <mailto:mlennert a club.worldonline.be>>:
>>>     Thanks ! I think the most interesting part would actually be the
>>>     details of the two detection procedures, so it would be good to
>>>     detail them :-).
>>> Yes, I will add all the rules from the procedure file. Then I'd like to
>>> send a new mail with all the links related to the project (wiki, github and
>>> schema) to the grass dev list asking for feedback, hints, etc. What do you
>>> think?
>> Good idea.
>> :-)
>> Moritz
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