[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3638: v.distance linear matrix remove duplicate cat column & table associated without having map of distance lines

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 5 06:10:06 PDT 2018

#3638: v.distance linear matrix remove duplicate cat column & table associated
without having map of distance lines
  Reporter:  Maellevd     |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:
 Component:  Vector       |    Version:  7.4.0
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  v.distance
       CPU:  Unspecified  |   Platform:  Linux

Comment (by mlennert):

 Thanks for reopening the ticket as there are several elements that are
 real requests for enhancements or even bugs. However, I agree with sbl
 that the original bug post could be less in the form of questions and more
 in the form of a bug report / enhancement request. If you are not sure
 about how to use a module than ask a question on the list. If you are
 (pretty) sure that there is a problem with a module, post a ticket here
 with the description of the problem.

 The duplicate cat values come from the fact that when you use -a a to_cat
 is automatically uploaded (otherwise how would one be able to use the
 resulting matrix ?), so upload=cat is redundant. But if a linear output is
 wanted, a second variable is needed. Try to run with upload=dist,to_x,to_y
 and you will see that there is no duplication.

 === Bug ===

 * The fact that the creation of a table is only possible when the input
 maps are in the current mapset is a bug IMHO. It is due to the fact that
 in the code updating the table and creating a new table is treated as
 equal by calling Vect_set_db_updated(&From). Moving this to only the part
 where the existing table is updated solves this issue.

 See r73272 for the fix. I'll backport to the other branches ASAP.

 === Enhancements ===

 * Currently, when using the -ap flag combination with one single upload
 variable, the module automatically prints out a square matrix. However, in
 certain situations it might be very useful to be able to print out a
 linear matrix. This could handled by a flag, e.g. -s for square matrix,
 instead of automatically

 * I do not understand why an output map should be necessary to create an
 output table. It can be useful to have such a table without a map.

 * To add to this: when printing or creating a new table, one should be
 able to determine column names, not only for updating an existing table

 I'll attach a patch with these enhancement (plus some attempt at cleaning
 up parser dependency instructions. This will partly change the module API,
 though, so we'll have to decide how to apply.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3638#comment:3>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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