[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #3651: Missing classification from v.lidar.edgedetection

GRASS GIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 21 07:18:37 PDT 2018

#3651: Missing classification from v.lidar.edgedetection
 Reporter:  balagates             |      Owner:  grass-dev@…
     Type:  defect                |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                |  Milestone:
Component:  Default               |    Version:  7.4.0
 Keywords:  lidar, edgedetection  |        CPU:  OSX/Intel
 Platform:  MacOSX                |
 The man page for v.lidar.edgedetection describes

  The output will be a vector map in which points has been classified as

 On the "output" I see a database table named <name>_edge_interpolation
 with columns

  Column 1: ID:INTEGER:20
  Column 2: Interp:REAL:20

 I do not see a table for output=<name> nor do I see the following

  TERRAIN (cat = 1, layer = 1)
  EDGE (cat = 2, layer = 1)
  UNKNOWN (cat = 3, layer = 1)

 Later steps in the workflow at the bottom of the man page do not provide
 all the output I expect, presumable because this classification is

 The database for my project is SQLITE.  The import of the Lidar data
 appears to have a complete list of columns including x, y, z, intensity,
 return, n_returns, scan, edge, etc.

 This is the first time I have run through this workflow so I could have
 messed something up.  It would be nice if someone could verify they get
 similar results.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3651>
GRASS GIS <https://grass.osgeo.org>

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