[GRASS-dev] i.modis key error 'datum'

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue Sep 25 02:41:07 PDT 2018

Nikos Alexandris:

>> Apparently i.modis won't run if the current projection definition does
>> not have the 'datum' defined. I.e., in a location like,
>> ```
>> g.proj -p
>> -PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------
>> name       : clark66
>> ellps      : clark66
>> proj       : ll
>> no_defs    : defined
>> -PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------
>> unit       : degree
>> units      : degrees
>> meters     : 1.0
>> ```

Markus Neteler:

>... besides error catching in i.modis, how was that location created?

Actually, using a file from https://zenodo.org/record/1135230:
grass -c LST_2016_07_avg.tif /geo/grassdb/lst/modis_lst
and `g.proj -p` will return the above projection details.

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