[GRASS-dev] new addon on the way

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 05:09:04 PST 2020

Hi everybody,

I have very slowly started to develop a toolset to search, download and
import Landsat data based on landsatxplore python library [0]. I went for
landsatxplore library because among the other options, it was the most
active in terms of development, i.e., commits in the repo. Currently, I'm
working in my repo [1], but hopefully, once it's done and reviewed by you,
it can be moved to addons.

The toolset attempts to be similar to i.modis and i.sentinel, but it is
pretty raw right now. I have started with i.landsat.download and the basic
functionality is there (details in the html). I recycled and adapted parts
of i.sentinel.download to read the settings file and get the region extent.
Next step is to draft i.landsat.import. Then, I'll be working on writing (a
bit) better code. Is it recommended to create classes?

Since I'm not a programmer, this is quite a challenge for me, hence I
appreciate your patience, help and suggestions, either by this means or in
the repo itself.

Thanks much in advance!

[0] https://github.com/yannforget/landsatxplore
[1] https://github.com/veroandreo/i.landsat
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