[GRASS-dev] (no subject)

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Sat Mar 6 10:51:02 PST 2021

Stefan Blumentrath :
>To underpin Jürgens point:
>In my company we used "creatensis.pl" to create custom OSGeo4W installations with modified startup scripts (so users get prepared configurations.
>That worked quite well. Doing so for a "GRASS GIS standalone" installer might reduce maintenance, risk of bugs and confusion among users. So, I would definitely recommend to follow Jürgens suggestion.

winGRASS standalone is based upon OSGeo4W and the (dependency) packages there. just a simple re-packaging and adapting paths.

what do you mean by "Doing so for a "GRASS GIS standalone" installer might reduce maintenance, risk of bugs and confusion among users."?

kind regards

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