[GRASS-dev] new addon
Francesco Geri
francescogeri at tim.it
Tue Feb 1 02:40:34 PST 2022
Thank you very much Markus
> If the CONTRIBUTING.md file isn't clear in this regard, please let us
> know which line(s) should be improved. A great occasion to make it
> better!
in fact, I have difficulty in the very initial stages of set-up. When I
try to follow the line to fork the repository:
/git clone git at github.com:your_GH_account/grass.gi/t
and so
/git clone git at github.com:fra-lab/grass.git/
I obtain this error message:
/git clone git at github.com:fra-lab/grass.git//
//Clone in 'grass' in corso...//
//The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be
//ECDSA key fingerprint is
//Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes//
//Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (ECDSA) to the
list of known hosts.//
//git at github.com: Permission denied (publickey).//
//fatal: Impossibile leggere dal repository remoto.//
//Assicurati di disporre dei privilegi d'accesso corretti//
//e che il repository esista./
In english:
/fatal: Unable to read from remote repository.
Make sure you have the correct access privileges
and that the repository exists.
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