[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024] Nomination of Eric Hutton and Isaac Ullah

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2024 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 23:26:56 PDT 2024

Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,

Eric Hutton and Isaac Ullah have accepted a nomination made by Michael 


Hernán De Angelis

Chief Return Officer (CRO)
GRASS GIS election 2024

-------- Vidarebefordrat meddelande --------
Ämne: 	Re: [GRASS-PSC] [GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024] Start of the 
nomination period
Datum: 	Mon, 16 Sep 2024 17:22:37 +0000
Från: 	Michael Barton <Michael.Barton at asu.edu>
Till: 	cro.grass at osgeo.org <cro.grass at osgeo.org>


Below are 2 people I am nominating for election to the GRASS PSC

Michael Barton


Name: Eric Hutton

email: eric.hutton at colorado.edu <mailto:eric.hutton at colorado.edu> and 
hutton.eric at gmail.com <mailto:hutton.eric at gmail.com>


Eric is a software engineer for the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling 
System (https://csdms.colorado.edu <https://csdms.colorado.edu/>) and a 
long time GRASS user. A decade ago, Eric added GRASS the the CSDMS 
software stack for geoinformatics at CSDMS, and has made GRASS 
accessible in the LandLab Python modeling package developed at CSDMS. He 
also developed the initial code to enable GRASS to be built using the 
Conda package, further enhanced by Michael Barton and most recently by 
Nicklas Larsson, as a seamless way to build and deploy GRASS binaries 
for the Macintosh. Eric has broad expertise in Python, Conda, and 
Jupyter for geoinformatics and modeling. He has worked with the GRASS 
team to promote GRASS to students and professionals at recent clinics 
and workshops. Eric is also an outstanding tream player and dedicated to 
supporting open source software. Eric agreed to be nominated for 
election to the GRASS PSC.


Name: Isaac Ullah

email: iullah at sdsu.edu <mailto:iullah at sdsu.edu> and 
isaaciullah at gmail.com <mailto:isaaciullah at gmail.com>


Isaac is a faculty member at San Diego State University, where he heads 
the Computational Archaeology Lab 
<https://isaacullah.github.io/CompArchLab/>). Isaac is a vocal advocate 
for open source software and especially for open source geospatial 
technologies. He has used GRASS and developed GRASS packages for two 
decades, since he was a graduate student, contributing many modules to 
GRASS. He teaches GIS and geospatial technology at SDSU, and has made 
numerous tutorial videos for GRASS and QGIS 
<https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacUllah_GIS_Tutorials/videos>). Isaac also 
is an accomplished Python programmer and Jupyter user, as well as a 
developer of computational modeling in other platforms. He is already 
contributing to the NSF POSE project headed by the current GRASS PSC. 
Isaac is a great colleague and advocate of geospatial technologies in 
the social sciences. Isaac agreed to be nominated for election to the 


C. Michael Barton
Associate Director, School of Complex Adaptive 
Systems (https://scas.asu.edu <https://scas.asu.edu/>)
Professor, School of Human Evolution & Social 
Change (https://shesc.asu.edu <https://shesc.asu.edu>)
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & 
Complexity (https://complexity.asu.edu <https://complexity.asu.edu>)
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2701

Executive Director, Open 
Modeling Foundation (https://openmodelingfoundation.github.io 
Director, Network for Computational Modeling in Social & Ecological 
Sciences (https://comses.net <https://comses.net>)

personal website: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton 

> On Sep 16, 2024, at 5:52 AM, Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS 
> election 2024 via grass-psc <grass-psc at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,
> Today is the formal start of the nomination period for four seats of 
> the Project Steering Committee (PSC) that are up for renewal. The 
> period ends in three weeks, on October 7th (2024-10-07).
> During the Nomination period, any member of the GRASS GIS community, 
> can nominate any community member for being a candidate for the PSC.
> Current PSC members can be nominated for re-election in the same way 
> by the community as possible new candidates.
> To set a nomination in motion, an e-mail should be directed to the 
> Chief Return Officer (CRO - cro.grass at osgeo.org) including name, 
> contact e-mail and, shortly, why a person is recommended as a PSC member.
> The CRO will then contact the recommended person asking for confirmation.
> The nominated person has to accept the candidacy and will be asked to 
> write a few lines stating what she/he wants to achieve as part of it.
> A nomination and its acceptance are required to be sent directly to 
> the CRO in private. Following confirmation, it is CRO's task to 
> officially announce a nomination.
> Remember, these are the mportant dates for the 2024 elections:
> - nomination period: 2024-09-16 to 2024-10-07
> - presentation of the candidates: 2024-10-07 to 2024-10-14
> - elections: 2024-10-21 to 2024-10-28
> - announcement of the newly elected PSC: 2024-11-02 at latest
> The whole election process is explained in full detail in the election 
> Wiki 
> (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/PSC_Election_2024__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!esZ3ATbUwuflsYvvlbdRpXh5X1GR2b9auDfX4TxEV20KQhInvjfV7v2Gr6uadHSQ6pgMsCew1ScuT6w4Zyxii7Ficf9VBA$ 
> ).
> Hernán De Angelis
> Chief Return Officer (CRO)
> GRASS GIS election 2024
> _______________________________________________
> grass-psc mailing list
> grass-psc at lists.osgeo.org
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-psc__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!esZ3ATbUwuflsYvvlbdRpXh5X1GR2b9auDfX4TxEV20KQhInvjfV7v2Gr6uadHSQ6pgMsCew1ScuT6w4Zyxii7GZsl4LjQ$ 

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