[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS PSC Elections 2024] Reminder: the nomination period is underway!

Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2024 variablestarlight at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 04:23:33 PDT 2024

Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,

Just a friendly reminder that the nomination period is underway.

We welcome nominations for candidates to four seats of the Project 
Steering Committee (PSC) that are up for renewal this time. The period 
ends in three weeks, on October 7th (2024-10-07).

During the Nomination period, any member of the GRASS GIS community, can 
nominate any community member for being a candidate for the PSC.

Current PSC members can be nominated for re-election in the same way by 
the community as possible new candidates.

To set a nomination in motion, an e-mail should be directed to the Chief 
Return Officer (CRO - cro.grass at osgeo.org) including name, contact 
e-mail and, shortly, why a person is recommended as a PSC member.

The CRO will then contact the recommended person asking for confirmation.

The nominated person has to accept the candidacy and will be asked to 
write a few lines stating what she/he wants to achieve as part of it.

A nomination and its acceptance are required to be sent directly to the 
CRO in private. Following confirmation, it is CRO's task to officially 
announce a nomination.

Remember, these are the mportant dates for the 2024 elections:
- nomination period: 2024-09-16 to 2024-10-07
- presentation of the candidates: 2024-10-07 to 2024-10-14
- elections: 2024-10-21 to 2024-10-28
- announcement of the newly elected PSC: 2024-11-02 at latest

The whole election process is explained in full detail in the election 
Wiki (https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/PSC_Election_2024).

Hernán De Angelis

Chief Return Officer (CRO)
GRASS GIS election 2024

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