[GRASSGUI] Existing GRASS GUI modules

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Mon Jul 28 04:19:51 EDT 2003

On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 10:07:35AM +0200, Riccardo Rigon wrote:
> in a while (I believe at the mid of September) a new Java interface to 
> GRASS (which include the previous work of Sorokin and Preston)  will be 
> available as a beta version.  Preliminary documentation will be also 
> available.

note that, unlike TclTk or wxPython, Java GUIs introduce a dependency
to proprietary elements. Currently, it is possible to run GRASS
on a complete Free Software desktop - I wouldn't like
to see a too strong link to Java (right now).
The Java ClassPath project apparently does not receive enough manpower
to reimplement the GUI libraries as Free Software.
If you are running Debian unstable you can try apt-get install free-java
to see whats currently possible in Java using a Free Software Java



Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

Intevation GmbH	              	     http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS	                               http://freegis.org/

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