[GRASSGUI] Re: opacityDialog

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Fri May 25 09:00:21 EDT 2007


2007/5/23, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
> I did try that and here's why I went to a spinner.
> I like sliders. But...the slider looks bad (doesn't format quite right) and
> takes up a lot of room (at least on my Mac version) when used in a
> customtreectrl.
> I love contextual menus, but strongly resist putting something there that is
> not also available elsewhere (i.e., with a left mouse click). To do
> otherwise means that it is visually hidden and the user has to know that it
> exists a priori in order to use that feature. To the best of my knowledge,
> this is contrary to standard interface guidelines.
> So this would mean putting an 'opacity' popup button somewhere--either in
> the properties dialog or in the tree item line and then creating a text
> object that would need to be updated dynamically every time the opacity
> control is changed. I decided that a spinner was easier to implement than a
> button and some kind of text that would need to be updated (always tricky).
> It offers direct user access to the function. You can type or spin, it
> offers direct user feedback to the state of opacity without any updating
> code.

OK, on the other hand I feel wx.SpinCtrl in layer tree as a
"disturbing" feature. I think there is  place only for 'layer name'
and checkbox (enable/disable). The widget for setting transparency can
be hidden somewhere I guess (it is just property of layer). Moreover
it is sometimes buggy (see the screenshot).

Anyway it would be great to add transparency support to GRASS display
architecture (then it could be available from d.rast GUI form). (?)


Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
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