Fwd: [GRASS-PSC] adding r.li to GRASS

Scott Mitchell smitch at mac.com
Thu Nov 2 10:13:04 EST 2006

oops, sent this from the wrong account, so it didn't make it to the  

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Scott Mitchell <smitch at spamcop.net>
> Date: 2 November 2006 09:57:10 GMT-05:00
> To: Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>
> Cc: grass-psc at grass.itc.it, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>
> Subject: Re: [GRASS-PSC] adding r.li to GRASS
> I'd be very happy to see r.li added.  I think there is general  
> utility to this - I get asked about the state of "LE" modules in  
> GRASS fairly regularly - there are lots of landscape ecology grad  
> students around here, and William Baker's programs are generally if  
> only vaguely familiar to them -- even before being exposed to me  
> here at Carleton, many of the grad students coming into our labs  
> have heard of GRASS because of the old r.le.  I also know of groups  
> at my former workplace that still do most of their work in grass5  
> due to a combination of continuing reliance on the old sites  
> capabilities, and wanting to use r.le - the sites stuff is pretty  
> much possible in grass6 now so it's just r.le holding them back.
> Between Paolo's group's work and William Baker looking at this  
> again, it's great to see so much renewed activity.
> I can take some responsibility for commits, if that's what it  
> takes.  I'll try out the current version today on my own system.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> On 2 Nov 2006, at 00:01, Hamish wrote:
>> Hi,
>> shall r.li be added to grass6 cvs? It is a modernization of the r.le
>> modules for "landscape indices" by Paolo Cavallini & team*.
>> http://www.faunalia.it/download/r_li/
>> * Claudio Porta and Lucio Davide Spano, students of Computer Science
>> University of Pisa (Italy). Commission from Faunalia Pontedera (PI)
>> It would be nice if it had a developer-"champion" or primary  
>> supporter
>> who could be in charge of commiting patches from the authors, etc.
>> This is well outside my field of study so I will not volunteer for  
>> the
>> job, nor do I have a strong opinion about the general usefulness of
>> these modules. (I can be the one to do the first commit to CVS  
>> though,
>> if desired)
>> The authors seem to think it is ready for CVS, a quick glance at the
>> code indicates that they are in the GRASS "style" and conform to
>> SUBMITTING guidelines.
>> Perhaps run indent on them first,
>>  $ indent -nbad -bap -bbb -nbbo -nbc -br -bli1 -bls -cbi0 -ncdb - 
>> nce \
>>     -ci4 -cli0 -ncs -d0 -di0 -fc1 -nfca -hnl -i4 -ip4 -l80 -lc80 - 
>> lp \
>>     -npcs -pi4 -nprs -npsl -sbi0 -sc -nsob -ss -ts8  main.c
>> ?,
>> Hamish
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