[GRASS-PSC] Re: [GRASS-dev] FWD Re: [Gdal-dev] GDAL on koders.com

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Nov 16 02:29:26 EST 2006

This copyright statement was preventing me from already uploading
it some time ago: "all its contents Copyright ..."
I don't know if they intentially wrote it but of course a
copyright transfer doesn't happen like that. So I don't know
- if this legally holds true in any case
- if GPL'ed code is affected

The other GIS projects do not seem to see a problem


On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 06:57:11PM +1300, Hamish wrote:
> Helena Mitasova wrote:
> > aren't there any special conditions that the code should fulfill
> > before being placed there?
> "By submitting this form, I certify that to the best of my knowledge
> this project and/or the repository on which it resides does not contain
> any proprietary or other source code which is not intended to be
> accessed by internet users for free and without restriction."
> "Copyright Information
> This website and all its contents Copyright 2005, Koders Inc.
> All Rights Reserved."
> beyond that it is very light on legal details AFAICT beyond claiming no
> control or responsibility to what it "links" to (indexes would be better
> word for what it does).
> http://www.koders.com/info.aspx?c=company/termsofservice
> http://www.koders.com/info.aspx?c=company/privacy
> Hamish

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