[GRASS-PSC] Re: [Incubator] Motion: GRASS to Graduate Incubation

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Mon Jan 28 04:16:43 EST 2008

Hello All,
these are exciting times. Our dinosaur graduated from incubation alive as ever. 

> I motion that the Incubation Committee recommends GRASS to the OSGeo Board
> of Directors for graduation from incubation with Markus Neteler as project
> liaison officer.

I declare this motion passed with support (+1) from 

Frank Warmerdam
Steve Lime
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
Daniel Morissette
Jody Garnett
Paul Spencer
Howard Butler
Cameron Shorter
Jeroen Ticheler
Arnulf Christl
Markus Neteler (assumed +1)

The graduation will be referred to the OSGeo board for final decision on February 8th.


Best regards, 

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